How satellites help Farmers nowadays?

 Satellites float above us at heights of up to 36000km
 From their vantage point, they can observe vast tracts of farmland and give us insights that are harder to grasp from ground level. There are three key ways in which satellites can support farmers to make efficient, sustainable choices:  

  • Mapping – understanding how large areas of land are used for different types of agriculture. 
  • Measuring – plugging satellite data into complex algorithms to provide measurements on a range of properties, such as yield and crop growth stage. 

  • Monitoring – over time, images enable scientists and farmers to see how land use has developed, or spot changes in rainfall and drought patterns. 

Satellite tech is improving efficiency and reducing fertilizer use 

We have seen how improving efficiency and refining processes in farming means farmers can run less resource-heavy farms. For example, Polish Company uses satellite data to drive their app which helps farmers make decisions about how much fertilizer to use on their fields, and how to distribute it. Traditionally, all parts of a field would be treated equally, but data from satellite images is showing the different levels of soil quality and mineral richness. This is good for farmers, who can use their fertilizer more efficiently and reduce costs, but also good for the environment as fertilizers are used more sparingly.  


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